The submission for Feza Young Researcher Award has been closed. We would like to thank you for your submissions.
FEZA establishes the Young Researcher Award with the objective to recognize young active researchers for outstanding contributions to the Science and Technology of Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, since January 1st of the year of the last FEZA conference (2020) to March 31st of the year at the FEZA conference when the award will be given (2023).
The selection will take place every three years, by a Selection Committee specifically indicated by the FEZA Board to perform that task. The Committee will be composed of a non-voting chairperson and 5 prominent zeolite scientists selected by the FEZA Board (1 member of TotalEnergies).
The award will be given to an individual not a group, during the banquet of the International Zeolite Conference by TotalEnergies and presented at each FEZA conference. A representative of TotalEnergies will personally hand over the award and congratulate the winner.
The candidates should:
- have PhD with up to 8 years of experience since completion of PhD before the year of the FEZA conference,
- have a scientific track record showing great promise for future development,
- work to be performed in the FEZA member countries at the moment of the inscription.
- The applications for the FEZA Young Researcher Award will be submitted 2 months before the FEZA conference.
To be eligible, the candidate should send the following documents, all digitalized in pdf format, to FEZA Secretary of the Executive Board.
- The candidate should submit a one-page letter presenting his/her candidacy, stating that it fulfills all requisites needed for inscription, and that he/she will attend the FEZA conference at which the winner will be awarded,
- A Curriculum Vitae containing the main aspects of his/her professional life (2 pages maximum),
- A complete report (2-3 pages) of his/her achievements in the period of the award, outlining their scope and influence on the area of research, list of publications, and detailing the novel findings and their scientific soundness. Up to 5 established zeolite scientists can endorse the report.
- until the end of the 2nd month before the FEZA conference where the award will be given: applications can be submitted,
- until the end of the first week of the 2nd month before the FEZA conference at which the award will be given: selection of the non-voting chairperson and 5 members of the Selection Committee,
- until the end of the second day of the FEZA conference at which the award will be given: the Selection Committee will send the results of the candidates´ evaluation to the FEZA president. Should the Selection Committee arrive to the indication of more than one candidate, the FEZA board will vote to decide the result.
The FEZA Board recommends that no sitting FEZA Board members or FEZA Young Researcher Award Selection Committee memberd endorse candidates for the Award.
Please, send your application to FEZA secretary by e-mail to: [email protected]